Can Sex Sell Juicers?

The Maximatic is a low-power, low-cost citrus juicer Constructed for Optimum

convenience. In this Guide, we will look at its specifications and weigh those
Against what I think constitutes a excellent citrus juicer.
Before we begin, I want to make sure you know the difference between a citrus
Juicer and other types of juicers.
If You're Looking for a machine that will break
Down other types of produce, you will have to turn your attention
toward a centrifugal or masticating juicer. To Learn More on the difference
Between those 2 types of juicers, take a look at our informational page about
Those types of juicers or the reviews I have posted about specific centrifugal and
masticating juicers.
However, If You're a big fan of lemonade, orange juice, or grapefruit juice, or if
You enjoy a glass of crisp flavored water, this type of juicer may be just for you.

All of the hard work out of creating your favorite beverages.

aspect of this juicer -- its 25-watt motor. The motor inside a citrus juicer is used to
Power a system which causes the reamer to spin when it senses pressure. In other
Words, if you press your halved fruit down on the reamer, sensors will engage the
motor and make it to spin.
The wattage of the motor determines not only how well it can spin the reamer
Leaving low-power

Them to overheat, which is my concern for this particular juicer.
Most citrus juicers feature a motor which is between 80 and 90 watts. This 25-
Watt motor is considerably less powerful, yet it's expected to do the same
duties as a comparable 80 or 90-watt motor.
Motor might have a very tough time processing large batches of juice; I
Worry that this motor will overheat and break down in the event you use it for extended
Periods of time to create more than a couple of glasses of juice.
Stop Struggling

Like to take a moment to go over the attention the designers of this product have
Clearly paid to the struggles faced by many people as they try to prepare a
citrus-based beverage. Obviously, the fact that there is a pressure-sensitive,
motor-powered spinning reamer is the first testament to this attention. This type
Of system means you will not have to struggle with on/off switches while

Another important feature designed to make your life easier is the internal juice
storage system.
Are designed with a reamer on top, a filter in the center and the motor on the
bottom. Somewhere between the filter and the engine exists a little tube or chute

glass. Two major complaints with that type of design are that those juicers are
Difficult to wash and that their spouts are so low you can just fill 1 8-ounce
glass at a time.
The Maximatic is designed very differently. Beneath the reamer sits the strainer.
Below the strainer is a large container, into which juice can freely flow. This
Container is see-through so you can tell how full it is getting and judge whether
You have created enough juice to satisfy your requirements. Therefore, instead of
creating one 8-ounce glass at a time, you can create up to 20-ounces of juice at
once. That means you can create approximately 2.5 glasses of juice without
having to empty the juice container.
Making things even more convenient, Maximatic has added a handle to the unit
And created a locking system for the lid so it is easy to lift and pour your
Juice into your glass without worrying about the unit slipping from your hands or
the top popping off.
I Hope You Like Pulp
This juicer features a strainer, like most citrus juicers. Unfortunately, where many
Juicers offer multiple types of strainers to suit your tastes, only 1 strainer is
available for the 20-ounce Citrus Juicer. The 1 strainer That's included with
This juicer is capable of catching seeds and large chunks of fruit flesh, but is not
likely to catch much pulp.
I haven't decided whether this is a strike against this particular juicer or not. I
suppose that for those who prefer their juice pulpy, this will really make no
Difference in their option to get this juicer. However, for those who like no
Pulp or just a little bit of pulp, or those who enjoy varying the amount of pulp
From time to time, this might be a definite deal breaker.
Consumer Feedback
From what I can find through my research, it appears that those who have
Purchased this juicer are mostly quite satisfied with it. They seem especially Satisfied
To have paid about half the price people often pay for a comparable citrus juicer.
Those who have expressed unhappiness about their purchase appear to have
complained about the motor, as expected. Apparently, this 25-watt motor is not
Able to manage regular use, let alone large batches of juice.
Concluding Remarks
The Maximatic Citrus Juicer embodies the convenience of budget. Unfortunately,
When we attempt to get the ease of top-dollar products by paying minimal
Prices we often wind up finding ourselves with inferior-functioning products. This
Juicer doesn't seem to be an exception to that rule. Although you can get some
Awesomely convenient features, like an internal catch basin for over 20
Ounces of juice, you are not being supplied with a motor strong enough to handle
everyday use. However, this juicer may be just the right fit for someone who
Plans to create small batches of citrus juice (about one 20-ounce container at a
time) on an infrequent basis.


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